
EPA Directs More Cash to Blue Cities
States, it asserts, should prioritize projects that upgrade the drinking water and wastewater infrastructure in cities over projects intended to serve new developments on the suburban fringe.
In the name of "Smart Growth". They upgrade Detroit's water system until there's no one left in the City. That'll encourage more suburbanites to move back into the city. Beacuse there won't be any EPA water in the 'burbs.
The new guidance arguably arrives five years too late (Bush's fault - again) after a home building boom that swallowed up vast swaths of land and crashed the economy. But building will eventually resume, and EPA officials say the leverage of the federal funding - the Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Fund - could coax states toward a more sustainable form of development. With so many cities contending with aging water pipes and sewer lines, officials say, it makes most sense to address those needs first.
Yet another reason why states can be smarter at spending our money.
Posted by: Bobby 2010-05-07