
Caucasus Corpse Count
A fresh spate of attacks including a landmine blast has killed seven Russian soldiers in the troubled republic of Chechnya since Friday. Officials said that troops have been fired at by Chechen fighters 19 times during the past 24 hours, leaving four soldiers dead. Another two soldiers died in a gunfight near the village of Gekhi. One more soldier was killed and two others wounded when a landmine blew up a military car in Urus-Martan. Authorities also discovered and defused a shrapnel-filled bomb left near a bus stop in the Chechen capital of Grozny.

Officials meanwhile confirmed that Friday's explosions on gas and oil pipelines in southern Russia had been carried out by the Chechen fighters. The first of the two blasts struck on the Mozdok-Kazimagomed line, which pumps natural gas to Azerbaijan. The second struck the Baku-Novorossisk oil pipeline. "Most likely it was a terrorist attack," Uvluby Erbolatov, a regional official in Dagestan, the southern Russian republic bordering Chechnya where the explosions occurred, said.
Posted by: Dan Darling 2004-04-04