
Singapore to analyze JI computer data
Singapore intelligence experts plan to analyze nearly 1,000 gigabytes of information stored in computers seized from Jemaah Islamiyah suspects in a bid to prevent terrorist attacks, the Minister of Home Affairs said. The Internal Security Department has collected a total of 988 gigabytes of data during security operations since 2001, Wong Kan Seng said late Friday. "The challenge now is to develop sound analytical methods to process such vast volumes of information,'' Wong said at an event honouring the department, Singapore's secretive intelligence service. Wong said Jemaah Islamiyah - an al-Qaida linked group that plans to create an Islamic superstate in Southeast Asia - is an "IT savvy'' network that keeps encrypted computer information about its operations. "We face a threat which respects no ethical limits other than what a cruel imagination and access to capabilities can provide,'' Wong said.
Posted by: Dan Darling 2004-04-04