
Sadr stirring trouble - again
Coalition troops opened fire on thousands of supporters of Shiite Muslim radical leader Moqtada Sadr headed towards the headquarters of the Spanish-led Plus Ultra Brigade on the outskirts of this Shiite holy city, an AFP correspondent witnessed. There were at least five people lying wounded on the ground, amid the sound of explosions and gunfire, the correspondent said. Ambulances rushed to the scene. The Sadr supporters had been marching from Najaf to the neighbouring shrine town of Kufa, passing the Plus Ultra base on their way. Pro-Sadr demonstrations also erupted Sunday around Baghdad and in the southern port city of Basra. The Shiite radicals, who have consistently opposed the US-led coalition and the interim bodies it has set up in Iraq, have mounted daily protests for the past week over the coalition’s suspension of their newspaper, Al-Hawza.
Coincidence that they were harrassing Spanish troops? Don’t know if the Spaniards were just jumpy or the firing was warranted, but there are now reports of at least 4 killed - I doubt whether Sadr is amongst that number unfortunately
Fox News says four Salvadorans killed, a dozen Sadr thugs. The gunfire started from the Sadr thugs and the Spanish and Salvadorans responded.

Posted by: Lux 2004-04-04