
Saudi money doing suspicious things - (the surprise here is that MSNBC is reporting it)
By Michael Isikoff
A federal investigation into the bank accounts of the Saudi Embassy in Washington has identified more than $27 million in "suspicious" transactions—including hundreds of thousands of dollars paid to Muslim charities, and to clerics and Saudi students who are being scrutinized for possible links to terrorist activity, according to government documents obtained by NEWSWEEK. The probe also has uncovered large wire transfers overseas by the Saudi ambassador to the United States, Prince Bandar bin Sultan.
[the article has a picture with Bandar and GWBush - some of the hard left is pro Arab, but others might use this to smear Bush - not that it will fool anyone with the brains that God gave to goats]
The transactions recently prompted the Saudi Embassy’s longtime bank, the Riggs Bank of Washington, D.C., to drop the Saudis as a client after embassy...
[coincidentally I closed my account with these people in 2002 also but it was because they raised the price for a lockbox so high I decided to buy one for my house and didn’t need theirs - so I also closed the savings account I had there which qualified me for the lockbox]
Posted by: mhw 2004-04-04