
Obama and Calderon: Insulting Americans together
It used to be that you could always count on the President of the United States to defend America's reputation at home and abroad. No more. Not under the regime of El Presidente Obama.

Last week, Mexican President Felipe Calderon crossed the border into the United States (legally), came to Washington and told lies about American citizens -- lies intended to paint Americans as racists. Not only did the President do nothing to dispute Calderon's falsehoods, but Democrats in Congress applauded them!

Calderon said Arizona's new immigration law "introduces a terrible idea using racial profiling as a basis for law enforcement." That is untrue. The law forbids racial profiling.

Before his Washington visit, Calderon said of the law, "Criminalizing immigration, which is a social and economic phenomena, this way opens the door to intolerance, hate and discrimination. My government cannot and will not remain indifferent when these kinds of policies go against human rights."

Another lie. The law doesn't criminalize immigration or violate anyone's human rights. Illegally entering the USA is not a human right.

A majority of Americans support Arizona's law. By characterizing the law as racially motivated, Calderon indirectly but unmistakably implied that most Americans are racists. Does the President of the United States object to this? No, he agrees with it!

When a foreign head of state comes to this country and, from the well of the Congress, tells lies to dishonor Americans who only want our government to do what Mexico's government does, which is to enforce its immigration laws, the President ought to stand up and defend his country and her citizens. But as is becoming increasingly clear, that is too much to expect from this President.
Posted by: GolfBravoUSMC 2010-05-24