
Prominent liberal on Sarah Palin: "we step on dangerous ground when we try to belittle her"
Well, [Sarah Palin is] incredibly charismatic. Her politics are different than mine. But I don't belittle her. She represents a significant segment of America. It might not be the majority, but certainly a significant segment of America that lives her lifestyle and believes as she does. And therefore, I can disagree with her without making fun of her. And for those of us who are more liberal, we step on dangerous ground when we try to belittle her, or belittle her fundamentalism, or religion or stuff like that, saying you know she is backwoods or stuff like that. That is how liberals come across as elitists or snobs ... She touches a nerve for people who resent being looked down upon. And there is a significant segment of America that feels it is being looked down upon. I think that's dangerous. It's where people who are liberal can get into trouble. So, I respect her. I disagree with her. But I have nothing bad to say about her.
Who said this? The answer may--nay, will!--surprise you.
The speaker was a very successful local politician before getting caught having paid a prostitute with a personal check, well-liked on both sides of the aisle. There had been serious talk of running him for governor, but the brouhaha made that impossible. So he found an alternate career. Hence the surprise.

Posted by: Mike 2010-05-25