
More Details on the Raid in Madera, Chihuahua
More details on the raid in western Chihuahua by armed bad guys. Rinsed through Babelfish, and edited or rewritten for clarity
Elements of the Chihuahua CIPOL altogether with the Mexican Army and the Ministerial police began search operations tracking a group of more than 60 armed suspects who seeded terror and death in Huizopa and Arroyo Amplio farms of the Dolores district of Madera Sunday afternoon.

During the course of the invasion, the suspected executed three settlers, set afire houses afire and drove away local and state police detachments.

At 1400 hrs, armed suspected aboard three Ford SUVs entered Arroyo Amplio shooting their first victim, Oswaldo Reyes Jiménez, 27.

Jiménez was dropped by shots as he opened the door to his home,. The suspects then cut his head off and left with their trophy towards Porvenir, a section of Madera.

Armed suspects arrived at Porvenir at 17:50, on board between 15 and 16 vehicles, carrying arms Barret .50 caliber rifles, fragmentary grenades and other heavy weapons.

They then located two inhabitants and they executed and them. Then the suspects went to CIPOL quarters and burned two vehicles and the structure the CIPOL used as a command post.

Following its excursion by the town, the suspects damaged a vehicle that was back of another address, that also was set afire, as well as other two houses.

No one else was reported injured.

The police detachment consisting of four of CIPOL and five local policemen decided to retreat from the town.
Posted by: badanov 2010-05-26