
PA says Flotilla assault 'state terrorism'
Acting Palestinian Authority Chief Mahmoud Abbas has denounced Israeli navy's deadly attack on the Freedom Flotilla aid convoy bound for Gaza as an act of "state terrorism."

Speaking to foreign government officials at the Second Palestine Investment Conference in Bethlehem on Wednesday, Abbas also called on the international community to take concrete steps in order to lift the blockade of Gaza.

"We expect international justice, and the blockade must be lifted. Stopping the attacks is the first step towards peace," he was quoted by Ynet as saying.

"The settlements must be halted as they are illegal; including what is defined as an expansion of settlements for natural needs." Abbas added.

Acting Palestinian Authority Chief also bristled at Israeli attack on the Flotilla, saying the activists onboard of the vessels bound for the besieged Gaza Strip were subject to "state terrorism".

Israeli navy on Monday launched an assault on the Freedom Flotilla convoy carrying 10,000 tons of humanitarian aid to Gaza in international waters, killing at least 20 activists and wounding 50 others.

"The Freedom Flotilla is not the first serious attempt to support the Palestinian people and break the siege, and it will not be the last," Abbas stated.

The attack prompted response from the international community with many countries across the world summoning Israeli envois.

Millions of People took to the streets of cities across the world to express their ager at Israeli over the fatal assault.
Posted by: Fred 2010-06-03