
New IAEA report on Iran more positive
[Iran Press TV Latest] A top Iranian lawmaker says the recent report released by the International Atomic Energy Agency on Tehran's nuclear issue was mostly positive in content.

In its latest quarterly report issued on Monday, the IAEA reconfirmed the non-diversion of nuclear material in Iran, but then again, voiced concern about Tehran's decision to add a second set of centrifuges to enrich uranium at higher levels.

The report also acknowledged that the Tehran government has allowed UN inspectors much better oversight at the enrichment site.

Head of the Majlis National Security and Foreign Policy Commission Alaeddin Boroujerdi said Wednesday that the new IAEA report was less skeptical in content and differed from Amano's usually negative take on Tehran's nuclear plans.

"Compared with Amano's last reports on Iran's nuclear issue, the new one bore significantly less negative points," said Boroujerdi, adding that despite the report's somewhat positive tone, it was clearly obvious that it was tailored to suit US interests.

"Of course, it is clear that the Americans played their share [in the making] of the report," he noted.

Boroujerdi added that Iran is determined to pursue its rights to peaceful nuclear technology for peaceful purposes within the framework of the IAEA and the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).

Despite Iran's approval of a deal to a send about half of its low-enriched uranium to Turkey in exchange for fuel rods for the Tehran research reactor, Western powers have refused to stop calls for sanctions against the country.

Only one day after the Tehran declaration was issed, the five permanent members of the UN Security Council -- Britain, China, France, Russia and the US - unanimously agreed on a new resolution for a fourth round of sanctions against Iran.
Posted by: Fred 2010-06-03