
Laredo US Cops Seize Automatic Weapons
There seems to be conflicting versions as to what was seized. The herd seems to think it was 147 AK-47s, which is the latest information, but others including two different AP stories say the quantity is either 147 or 175 "automatic weapons".

Short version: There appears to be so much agenda at work in this it is hard to get a final accurate number and breakdown of the types of weapons seized.

The BATF website has nothing on this bust, nor does the Webb County, Texas Sheriff's office, nor does the Laredo, Texas police department websites.

The Police in Laredo stopped a truck filled with new automatic guns, bayonets and the ammunition, a shipment that, according information Wednesdays weapons by the US authorities, was for Mexico.bound

The confiscation of Saturday in the evening took place barely two weeks after Mexican president Felipe Calderón asked to him to the American Congress that helps to restrain the flow of arms of the United States towards Mexico.

Acting on a tip from Webb county officials, the police of Laredo stopped a vehicle that contained 175 automatic guns still in their boxes, 200 high capacity magazines, 53 bayonets and 10,000 rounds.
AP reports 147 assault rifles, but I suspect the writer wouldn't know an assault rifle if it was shoved up his ass...
Hopefully he would be aware that something was amiss, at least.
One of the men in the truck tried to escape, but was captured, said to Wednesday police investigator Joe Baeza.

Authorities displayed the shipment of arms in a conference hall in the federal building of Laredo Monday that covered half with the floor.

Officials claim the seizure is the largest confiscation of arms in ten years in the area of Laredo, which borders Mexico.

The Border Patrol officials and the Office of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms also investigated the case.

Baeza declined to reveal the names of both suspects arrested in the seizure.

The investigator said that the confiscation is important in the context of the recent visit of Calderón to Washington, during which the Mexican chief executive suggested the United States reinstate to prohibition on the sale of automatic guns.

Mexico has complained for a long time which its violent war of narcotics traffickers is fed partly by arms acquired in the United States.
But mostly by arms acquired elsewhere, a minor detail.

Posted by: badanov 2010-06-03