
Sarah Palin lines up visit to Lady Thatcher
US politician Sarah Palin could soon be on her way to Britain to boost her hopes of challenging Barack Obama in the 2012 US presidential election. Her representatives approached Margaret Thatcher to ask for a meeting as part of a bid to enhance her claim to be the 'heir to Ronald Reagan' and prepare to challenge Mr Obama.
That's a lot of rank speculation for one short paragraph ...
And Lady Thatcher has agreed to see Mrs Palin, who stood as the Republican vice-presidential candidate in 2008. A spokesman said: 'We had an informal approach asking if Lady Thatcher would meet Mrs Palin if she comes to Britain and we said yes.'

One individual involved in the talks about the visit said: 'Palin's people haven't said anything about meeting Cameron. Their main interest is getting a picture of her with Lady Thatcher. I'm not sure they know who David Cameron is.'
Oh, I'm quite sure they do. But Mrs. Palin is neither a government official nor a candidate, and so has no business calling of the prime minister of Great Britain, given they've not been introduced. She understands the rules, even if President Obama, or Candidate Obama as he was then, did not.
It would also pose a delicate diplomatic protocol dilemma for the Prime Minister,
Which is exactly why private citizens do not call on public officials without an invitation, not to mention that are not to private citizens to conduct diplomacy without government sanction.
who is trying to defuse an acrimonious confrontation with Mr Obama over the oil spill disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. Outspoken Mrs Palin has launched a series of savage personal attacks on the US President.
That's been going around ...
Mr Cameron would have to decide whether to pose for photographs with her on the steps of No 10, invite her in through the back door -- or meet her elsewhere more discreetly. It could also cause difficulties within the coalition Government. While many Right-wing Tory MPs admire Mrs Palin, many Liberal Democrat MPs regard her as dangerous and irresponsible.

One source said: 'A meeting with Margaret Thatcher would be an enormous publicity coup for Sarah Palin. Thatcher is by far the biggest political name in US politics, much bigger than Blair.
I imagine Thatcher is a bigger name in British politics that Blair as well.
'Palin's big hero is Ronald Reagan. In US Republican folklore Thatcher and Reagan brought down the Soviet Union between them. That's why Maggie is so important.'
Does our source mean to suggest that dear Maggie brought down the Soviets all by her lonesome, then? Or perhaps that the Soviet Union still stands, unaffected by the futile efforts of Reagan and Thatcher together? How odd.
Speculation that she is preparing to run in the 2012 election has grown since she resigned as Governor of Alaska. Asked directly if she would stand against Mr Obama, she said: 'I would be willing to if I believe that it's right for the country. I won't close the door that perhaps could be open for me in the future.'

At a rally earlier this year, she ridiculed Mr Obama's pledge to change America, saying: 'How's that hopey-changey stuff workin' out for ya?'

She criticised America's increasing deficit since he won power and claimed he was weak on the war on terrorism.
Two issues important to the citizenry, as it turns out.

Posted by: Steve White 2010-06-13