
Sadr Flip Flops Again - Too Late to Become Donk, However
via USATodat - EFL / Fair Use
Al-Sadr statement pledges death before surrender
By Kevin Johnson, USA TODAY
BAGHDAD — Defiant aides to radical Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, who is accused of instigating deadly clashes with coalition forces, said Tuesday that al-Sadr would not surrender. They warned of a new violent uprising if authorities try to take him by force.
First he will, then he won’t, now he will again... Remind you of anyone?
In a statement released by his office, al-Sadr said he was ready to die resisting any attempt to capture him. "America has shown its evil intentions, and the proud Iraqi people cannot accept it. They must defend their rights by any means they see fit," the statement said. Al-Sadr, who has been fiercely critical of the U.S.-led occupation, is wanted by the coalition on murder charges in last year’s slaying of a rival Shiite Muslim leader.
Of course he should die defending his country. We should facilitate this patriotic act.
Nah, Sadr shouldn't die defending his country, he should die as a result of disgracing his country.
"Either we continue as a country, or it will be destroyed," said Iraqi Governing Council member Mouwafak Al-Rabii.
He’s confused. It’s his meds. Time to relieve his pain.

Posted by: .com 2004-04-07