
IAEA Probes Mad Mullahs - They Wink, Nod, Smile
IAEA chief optimistic on Iran probe
By Gareth Smyth
Mohamed ElBaradei, secretary-general of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), said yesterday that inspectors could "complete their work" in Iran before he reported back to the IAEA board in June.
Whew! I’ve been worried the Black Hats might impede his work and prevent him from completing it before the IAEA Board meeting in June.
"We still have important tasks ahead of this," he told reporters. "[But] I see no reason not to be optimistic."
And it’s good to know he sees no reason not to be optimistic [though], despite the important tasks ahead, uh, of this, um, something.
Mr ElBaradei said he and Iranian officials had agreed "an action plan with a timetable on how to move forward with the main outstanding issues".
"We will move forward with the outstanding issues now that we have an action plan, complete with timetable," a direct result of an agreement with some irrelevant Iranian Officials, he said.
I feel so relieved. No, really I do. Heh. Deep Stuff. Posted by: .com 2004-04-07