
Excerpts from the Zarqawi rant
To my dear nation, the best nation brought to mankind, may the peace and blessings of God be upon you...

God honoured us and so we harvested their heads and tore up their bodies in many places:

The United Nations in Baghdad; the coalition forces in Karbala; the Italians in Nasiriya; the US forces on Khalidiya Bridge; the US intelligence in Al-Shahin Hotel and the Republican Palace in Baghdad; the CIA in the Rashid Hotel; and the Polish forces in Al-Hilla.

And last but not least the Israeli Mossad in the Mount Lebanon Hotel. There is more and more; in fact, there is a long list of them.

We challenge the dishonest US media to reveal the real damage and big losses sustained by their forces...

There will be more rounds of fighting, God willing.

If John Abizaid escaped our swords this time, we will be lying in wait for him, for Bremer, for their generals and soldiers and their collaborators...

They [Shias] are the ones who killed the mujahidin, assassinated refugees and are the eyes and ears of the Americans...

They raped women and violated sanctities and are now killing and liquidating Sunni preachers, ulema and men of learning...

Unfortunately, all this is taking place while the Sunnis are asleep due to lies told by their so-called wise men and ulema that drugged the nation and let it down...

Hero mujahidin... God has honoured you and by your hands, the greatest power throughout history has been forced to submission.

Be resolute, kneel down before God, sharpen your swords and burn the land under the feet of the invaders.

Let them taste the bitter defeat and throw them into hell.
Posted by: Dan Darling 2004-04-07