
WSJ: Want Peace in Iraq? Take Out Iran Nuke Plant
via NewsMax - EFL / Fair Use
Tuesday, April 6, 2004 10:47 a.m. EDT
The Wall Street Journal editorial page urged President Bush on Tuesday to send a message to Iranian-based Shiite insurgents in Iraq by taking out Iran’s Bushehr nuclear plant.
And maybe the other 5 related nuke mfg facilities would be good, too.
Warning that the U.S.-led coalition now has no choice but to use military force to break up the 10,000-man militia amassed by militant imam Moqtada el Sadr, the Journal advised, "It should also warn the Dawa Islamic political party that its dealings with Iran won’t be tolerated.
Cuz, like, they’re in another country and everything.
"As for Tehran, we would hope the Sadr uprising puts to rest the illusion that the mullahs can be appeased. ... If warnings to Tehran from Washington don’t impress them, perhaps some cruise missiles aimed at the Bushehr nuclear site will concentrate their minds."
Lol! It might do that, yeah.


Massive ClueBat Article from WSJ. Sounds good to me.
Posted by: .com 2004-04-07