
Sinaloa: Politicial Campaign Offices Firebombed
Two different Sinaloa political campaign offices were attacked within minutes of one another early Friday morning, say Mexican news accounts.

The two attacks represent the second and third such attacks in a week. Last week a Partido Acción Nacional (PAN) office building in Culican was hit with a Molotov cocktail with minor damage to the building.

At about 0315 hrs in Mochis the building housing the political campaign of Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI) candidate Zamora Gastelum was hit with a beer bottle filled with gasoline. The damage was limited to the front door of the facility.

Meanwhile in Culican offices of the Partido de la Revolución Democrätica (PRD) on calle "ngel Flores was hit with two Molotov cocktails when two youths broke in. The attack damaged furniture and documents. PRD members were forced to break through a door to contain the damage.

State leader of the Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI), Cenovio Ruiz Zazueta, that suggested th both the PRD and PAN are attempting to draw attention to themselves and to gain sympathy.

PRI is odds on favorite to retain the governorship. Elections take place July 4th.

PRD and PAN have joined forces is some races to attempt to offset PRI's advantage.

A member of the PRD's national executive committee, Juan Guerra Ochoa, suggested that the three bombings may be an attempt to instill fear and to suppress voter turnout.
Posted by: badanov 2010-06-19