
Fareed Zakaria: Obama's choice of Petraeus a 'masterstroke'
Gorb, next time please double check that you've included the article's URL in the Source box before submitting. Generally the moderators will just delete any article without a source URL, no matter how important.
Link moved to proper location. Folks, the mods don't have time to do this on every post. Regulars in particular know this. AoS.
President Obama's decision to replace Gen. Stanley McChrystal with Gen. David Petraeus is "a masterstroke," says analyst Fareed Zakaria.
Oh, that's so true in ways Fareed doesn't understand ...
The president announced Wednesday that he had accepted McChrystal's resignation after the publication of a Rolling Stone article that contained disparaging remarks by the general and his staff about officials in the Obama administration. Obama chose Petraeus, the head of the U.S. Central Command, to replace McChrystal.
Wonder if Hillary is still willing to suspend her disbelief? Wonder if the Looney Left still thinks the good General is a traitor who is lying and massaging the data? Wonder if Bambi can look the man in the eye?

Posted by: gorb 2010-06-24