
Mark Tapscott: Big Government is dying in the Gulf oil spill
It's not just millions of gallons of black gold spilling into the Gulf of Mexico that are being lost. Also disappearing into watery despair are the last shreds of credibility for progressive Big Government.
Never underestimate the tenacity of big government. People will always say "the government should do something." The government always will. The government will 95 percent of the time screw it up. But people will keep saying it, and politicians will keep reaching for more power. It is their nature.
It's Day 65 of the Deepwater Horizon spill and the only hope of stopping the flow of thick, gooey crude remains the relief well being drilled by the private sector. None of the ass-kicking political speeches by President Obama, bureaucratic edicts by Interior Secretary Ken Salazar or EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson, or hypocritical posturing for the cameras in Congress has plugged the hole to stop the flow of suffocating oil headed to the beaches.
Nobody's been fired, nobody's resigned, nobody's even said "I screwed up." The business of government remains collecting a paycheck.
We see this week a remarkable confluence of events signaling the eventual end of Big Government: The bureaucrats and politicians can spend trillions but they can't plug the Gulf oil spill, agree on a budget in Congress or end the Great Recession's foreclosures and unemployment...

Now it's Big Government that needs a bailout because its progressive politicians and bureaucrats can't stop doing what they've always done -- spending more, taxing more, regulating more, grabbing more power for themselves and their special interest buddies.

Just as most Americans stopped trusting Detroit to build the world's best cars, we no longer believe the grand promises that more massive, wasteful government will bring prosperity and good health for our families, security in our old age and a better life for our kids. We see the Gulf.

Worrisome hints abound of the progressives' response to their crisis:

They wrote Obamacare behind closed doors in Congress, then rode roughshod over public opposition to make it the law of the land.

At the Federal Trade Commission and the Federal Election Commission, they're reaching for tools to silence their critics in the media and on the campaign trail. And when a judge rules their Gulf drilling ban is unconstitutional, they give him the middle finger, too, with a vow to impose a new ban.

In short, they're doing what they always do -- grabbing more power over the rest of us.
Posted by: Fred 2010-06-24