
email from Sadr City
(at Amy Ridenour’s blog -- found via LT Smash -- go there also to be provided even more perspective)

My unit, the 16th En Bn of the 1st AD, covers Sadr City and the bulk of the most intense areas of downtown, mostly east side of the Tigris. If you look at a map, pretty much everything north from the Palestine & Sheraton hotels north and east. My point is that my battalion is right in the middle of Sadr’s challenge.


NONE OF THIS is the disaster bad news that you are seeing on CNN and others. Let me give you perhaps one of the best examples. A police station that we covered and set up last summer in Al-Shawla made the news yesterday because, SHOCKINGLY!!! it was attacked by two RPGs. Now, Amy, here is the reality....

Last summer that very police station was HIT 2-3 times every damn night for 20 consecutive days while my battalion and the 2nd LCR were working to secure it. In this current crisis, it wasn’t even hit -- the RPGs flew over the bldg, and there were only 2 fired in one night.

and he goes on to slap the western reporters

Posted by: Carl in NH 2004-04-07