
Iraq on verge of civil war: Blix
Hat tip: Drudge.
PARIS, April 8 (AFP) - "The country is on the verge of civil war today. The majority of Iraqis are certainly happy to be rid of Saddam Hussein, but they are all against the American occupation, which is resented as a humiliation," Blix told the Le Parisian daily.
How many visits for you in Iraq since Saddam fell, Inspector Clouseau?
Worse, the United States hasn't stationed enough troops in the country to maintain order and prevent attacks so "Iraq has become a machine producing terrorism."
He's a WMD expert AND a military strategist!
US President "George (W.) Bush, who has presented this war as part of the 'War on Terror' has gotten opposite result," the former Swedish foreign minister and longtime diplomat said in comments translated from French.
Find your hind end yet, Blixie? It's there somewhere.

Posted by: Steve White 2004-04-08