
"The Alamo is over-rated as a tourist attraction"
A first-person account of the fighting by a female soldier posted at LiveJournal. Can’t tell who she is, or where this was supposed to have happened, but it feels genuine. Seriously EFL.

At about four AM the other day, the coalition force rode out the gate and took back the town. At nine thirty we rolled out, arrived at our usual destination, and by ten thirty, we were under fire. We were in a compound of five or six major buildings, large enough to be hotels, not quite large enough to be palaces, that had once been owned by Chemical Ali.

We started out on the roofs, looking for snipers. But RPGs and mortar fire forced us down and as we retreated, the shooters started hitting the building more often because they were walking their weapons closer. Eventually, our safe area was reduced to just one hallway in a central building. . . .

In a follow-up posting, the author notes:

. . . hug a chopper pilot, okay? Those guys saved my butt. That was the big thing keeping me and the rest of us alive. I hated how nobody thought it worth mentioning that we fought off this huge attack with a small force and then snuck away without any casualties on the site. One coalition soldier died elsewhere in that town that day, but we got really, really lucky. And that’s scary in itself.

So go hug a chopper pilot. I’ve been getting teary-eyed every time I see one go by. . . .

Good luck, good hunting, and get home safe.
Posted by: Mike 2004-04-08