
Terms, offensive and otherwise
Given the spirited discussion yesterday, allow me as one of the moderators to make clear a few fine points of my moderation. Other mods may jump in to this conversation as they wish, and if I say something stupid I'm sure Fred will correct me.

Some regulars are concerned that the moderators are 'censoring' criticism of the current President. If you know the mods you know that's silly, as (for example) I'm one of his fiercest critics. I won't speak for the other mods, but the water-cooler talk I hear is that none of us are overly-happy.
Rantburg is a war blog. So regardless of personal orientation, we care about fighting the war against the caliphatists... and fighting to win. I wouldn't dare characterize my criticism as fierce -- but I am very disappointed thus far.
Yet we criticize the President without resorting to language, images and caricatures that would be considered racist. We don't use pics of non-human primates. We don't use the n-word or other such words. I call the man 'Bambi', but I don't call him anything racist.


Well first, I'm not like that. I hope.

And second, because the Burg, as I've said a few times, punches above its weight.

In addition to our regulars and lurkers from all walks of life, we're read by people who have influence in various places. They like the Burg as much as we do, and they find it of value.
You aren't the only one who's mentioned that, Dr. Steve. Rantburg has been recommended to at least one head of a foreign government, as reported by one of our early foreign correspondents.
They won't read the Burg, however, if it becomes known as a place that uses a pic of a gibbon to stand for the President. Nor would anyone of decency and sense. The people who oppose us and what we stand and work for would jump on that and use it to ruin the Burg.

Fred has worked too hard, and all of us have helped for too long, to let that happen. So we mods don't let it happen.

One of our regulars signed himself yesterday thusly --

A white, non-racist, strongly-conservative (& Constitutional) entreprenuer labeled a 'right-wing extremist' & danger to his country by his own government for his political views.

I wasn't sure at first whether he meant himself or me. Perhaps both of us. We're likely not the only ones who fit that long label, but there are others here who are diverse. Non-white. Independent or classic liberal. Professional. Blue-collar. Whatever. The Burg is open to all who share our core beliefs.

We mods work to keep it that way.

One point that came up yesterday: the term 'teabagger' is indeed offensive. It was used in a title of a post yesterday as a way to stick that hateful term in the ear of the progressives who hurl it. I liked it; that's why it stayed.

Finally, Fred and the mods are always approachable. Gripe? Complaint? Issue? E-mail us.
I've had a number of those emails, starting even before I was issued my pretty periwinkle cluebat. We always got it resolved. :-)

Steve White (AoS)
Posted by: Steve White 2010-07-09