
Axelrod Calls U.S. Economy Stable, Rejects Anti-Business Label
White House adviser David Axelrod rejected criticism that the Obama administration is over- regulating and anti-business, asserting that the U.S. financial system "is now stable, instead of collapsing."
On the bright side, statements like this explain where a lot of that dope from Afghanistan is winding up.
"Yo, Achmed, we need another ton for Axelrod Effendi, just like last week."
"Hokay, but COD this time. I do not think he is going to be employed much longer."

"We're working closely with business," Axelrod said on the ABC "This Week" program.
"We have made it clear to business that the beatings will continue until morale improves. Filthy Kulaks."
"We're not micro-managing anything."
"That's why every bill we pass is only 2,000 pages long. They're just, like, general statements of policy".
Ivan Seidenberg, chief executive of Verizon Communications Inc., in a speech last month, said White House regulatory policies were discouraging job growth and creating an anti- business climate.
And in doing so, won the coveted Master of the Obvious Award.
Axelrod rejected the argument that government has intervened in the U.S. economy too much, saying that company profits are increasing and that "our financial system is now stable, instead of collapsing, which would have been devastating."
If The One can take credit for winning the war in Iraq, I guess he can take credit for increasing profits too.
Axelrod defended Obama's efforts to overhaul the financial regulatory system, reining in bank risk-taking that could further threaten the U.S. economy. "You can't simply let industry in each and every case self-regulate," he said on ABC.
Right. Only politicians from Chicago have the ethical background required to regulate industries. What was the last bid for that Senate seat?
"We're making a good, hard case because the American people are going to have to choose between two economic theories: the one that got us into this disaster in the first place, and the one that is getting us out."
I didn't know Communism was on the ballot this fall, but it makes sense.
Posted by: Matt 2010-07-11