
Twin blasts in Uganda capital Kampala 'kill 23 people'
At least 23 people have been killed in twin explosions in the Ugandan capital Kampala, police said.

It is not known what caused the blasts,
... perhaps a bomb? ...
More likely two bombs.
which police said went off at a rugby club and at a restaurant, as football fans watched the World Cup final.

"These bombs were definitely targeting World Cup crowds," Inspector General of Police Kale Kayihura said.

Somali militants have in the past threatened to attack Kampala; Ugandan troops are deployed in Mogadishu.

Mr Kayihura said he believed Somalia's militant group al-Shabab could be behind the attack.

In the rugby club, where the biggest crowd had gathered, the explosion occurred right in the middle of the crowd. People who were seated in the outer parts of the crowd were not affected as much as those seated in the middle.

The police are saying they tried to put in place as much security as they could, but it seems clear that the police had no clue about how the bombs got in those places.

Nobody expected this to happen in a World Cup final.
Given that al-Shabab hates the Ugandans and hates soccer even more, I would have expected it ...
Al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden, by contrast, are reported to adore the game -- a grotesquely perverted mind in a healthy body and all that.
One would have thought that whoever did this would have waited for another time. It is just a time when people are making merry and very excited about the World Cup final, then this happens. It is quite shocking.

US President Barack Obama said the explosions were "deplorable and cowardly".

US National Security Council spokesman Mike Hammer said in a statement: "The president is deeply saddened by the loss of life resulting from these deplorable and cowardly attacks, and sends his condolences to the people of Uganda and the loved ones of those who have been killed or injured.

"The United States is ready to provide any assistance requested by the Ugandan government."

Police said it was possible those behind the attacks were targetting foreigners.

About 5,000 African Union troops from Uganda and Burundi are based in the Somali capital Mogadishu to protect the fragile interim government. The Amisom force is engaged in frequent firefights with Islamist insurgents which control much of southern and central Somalia
Posted by: lotp 2010-07-12