
Canada Judge Awards Probation For Strangulation Murder
Calgary mom Aset Magomadova doesn't have to go to jail for strangling her promiscuous, 14-year-old daughter, a judge ruled Thursday.

Justice Sal LoVecchio said a non-custodial punishment would be sufficient for Magomadova's killing of daughter Aminat. LoVecchio sentenced the city woman to a three-year term of probation.

Crown prosecutor Mac Vomberg sought a 12-year prison term, while defence lawyer Alain Hepner argued a combination of house arrest and probation would be sufficient punishment.

Magomadova was convicted by LoVecchio of manslaughter last October, after the judge ruled she wasn't acting in self-defence when she wrapped a scarf around the neck of daughter Aminat and strangled her.

Magomadova was originally charged with second-degree murder in the teen's Feb. 26, 2007, death, but LoVecchio ruled Vomberg did not prove the intent for such a charge. The Crown has already appealed that ruling.

Magomadova had claimed her daughter, who was a rebellious teen who had been in trouble with the law and had run away from home, attacked her while they argued over whether Aminat would make a court appearance that day.

But LoVecchio said the evidence didn't support the accused's contention she had to use her scarf to defend herself from a deadly attack.
Posted by: Anonymoose 2010-07-16