
Abbas-Mitchell Plan To Use NATO Troops To Protect Palestine State
The Palestinian Authority has requested that NATO send troops to secure any new Palestinian state in the West Bank.
What, the mighty Uruguayans aren't available?
Officials said PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas has relayed a proposal for the stationing of NATO troops along the borders of any Palestinian state in the West Bank. They said the proposal was drafted in cooperation with U.S. envoy George Mitchell, assigned to accelerate efforts to win Israeli agreement for the establishment of a Palestinian state by 2012.
Not. One. American. Soldier.
"The deployment of NATO forces is meant to overcome Israel's security objections to a Palestinian state," an official said.
I suggest British troops. They have a sterling reputation with both sides ...
Officials said Abbas submitted the plan to Mitchell in July amid indirect talks between Israel and the PA. They said the United States has been pressing the PA to move to direct negotiations with Israel based on a plan for a Palestinian state over the next two years.

Mohammed Dahlan, a key aide of Abbas and member of the Fatah Central Committee, said the PA plan called for the deployment of NATO troops between the West Bank and neighboring Jordan. He said NATO forces would also be stationed in other areas of the West Bank deemed as lacking sufficient security.

In a briefing on July 13, Dahlan said the PA plan also called for a Palestinian state in the entire West Bank with the option of land swaps with Israel. He said the plan has also been submitted to Israel, which has not yet responded.

"Mitchell is expected ask the PA to go to direct negotiations with a package that would overcome obstacles to a full agreement," Dahlan said.

At this point, Dahlan said, Fatah would not agree to direct talks with Israel unless it submitted to PA demands on the borders of a Palestinian state and the freezing of Jewish construction in the West Bank and most of Jerusalem. He said Israel must accept the principle of a Palestinian state in the entire West Bank as well as eastern Jerusalem.
Oh well, so much for this whole idea ...
Officials said Israel has insisted on its right to patrol the air space over any Palestinian state as well as the pursuit of insurgents who conduct attacks from the West Bank. They said Israel has also expressed reservations to the establishment of a separate Fatah-controlled state in the West Bank while Hamas controls the Gaza Strip.
Posted by: Anonymoose 2010-07-16