
France condemns hostage taking in Iraq, urges conference
The French government firmly condemned on Friday the taking of foreign hostages in Iraq by armed groups, calling such actions "unacceptable and unjustifiable with regard to international humanitarian law". Foreign Ministry spokesman Herve Ladsous said that France was addressing a message of solidarity to all the governments whose nationals have been taken hostage. Citizens of Japan, Italy and the United States have been sequestered by groups suspected of allegiance to former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein or of being part of radical Shiite militias loyal to Moqtada Al-Sadr. "It is important that all these civilians be freed immediately and without conditions," Ladsous said after condemning the hostage taking. The official added that France was making known its "strong concern faced with the clashes taking place in several towns in Iraq and which are provoking a serious deterioration of the humanitarian situation for civilian populations".

Ladsous, answering questions at a daily briefing, remarked that the responsibility for security in Iraq remained with the Coalition forces. He also confirmed that France had been approached by the US Administration concerning an eventual French contribution to protect a United Nations mission in Iraq. The official said that it was too soon to discuss this as the UN had not decided to send a mission there just yet and there were political questions that remained to be answered and there were many questions concerning the Iraq situation that remain unresolved, not to mention questions about the situation on the ground. France also said that it was continuing to push the idea of an international conference on Iraq before the June 30 handover of power to an Iraqi administration. "We are pursuing our consultations with all our partners," Ladsous indicated, stressing that the French Foreign Minister brought up the subject each time he met with a counterpart or other senior officials as part of his regular contacts.
Posted by: Fred 2004-04-10