
Bangla arms haul intrigues India
The firepower involved may be enough to keep an army brigade in fighting fettle for a year, but one week after the chance discovery near Chittagong of a massive illegal arms shipment, Indian and Bangladeshi officials have no idea who shipped the weapons or whom they were intended for. The fact that the Bangladesh coast has emerged as a major point for arms smuggling is known, but the nature of last week’s arms seizure has sent intelligence officials in India reeling. "1290 AK-47s, 1.1 million rounds, 25,020 grenades, 840 rockets - we’ve never seen anything remotely this big before," an official said. Officials said that there was no way any one insurgent group in the region - not Ulfa, not the Nepal Maoists - could afford to pay for the shipment by themselves.
Posted by: Lux 2004-04-10