
Marines: Fallujah rebels must ’submit or die’
edited for brevity.
Hundreds of reinforcements joined fellow Marines besieging Fallujah on Saturday, and the U.S. military said it would move to take the city if cease-fire talks fail. Fighting raged through the center of the country, killing 40 Iraqis and an American airman. Gunfire crackled in the city, even as Iraqi government negotiators met with Fallujah leaders to persuade them to hand over militants who killed and mutilated four Americans in here March 31. Insurgents offered to call a truce if U.S. troops leave Fallujah — a condition the Americans appeared unlikely to accept.
Nearly 60,000 Fallujah residents, about a third of the population, have fled over the past two days, a Marine commander said. “The prospect of some city father walking in and making ’Joe Jihadi’ give himself up are pretty slim,” said Lt. Col. Brennan Byrne, commander of the 1st Batallion, 5th Marine Regiment.
He gets it, why doesn’t the rest of the figure heads?
“What is coming is the destruction of anti-coalition forces in Fallujah ... they have two choices: Submit or die,” he told reporters.
Perfect language for the Arab mind to grasp.
But they won't.

Posted by: Jarhead 2004-04-11