
M Ledeen bemoans cluelessness of hikers imprisoned in Iran and WHouse
[the parents say]: "We do not know why Shane, Sarah and Josh are still being held without charge, why their human rights are being violated, why they are not allowed regular consular visits or to make calls and write letters home and why they have had no access to their lawyer. Most mystifyingly and cruelly of all, we do not know why Sarah remains in solitary confinement, denied any human contact other than brief periods each day when she is allowed to meet Shane and Josh in the prison yard."
Obama said something similar
Which I find a bit baffling, since the three Americans are getting the same sort of treatment as anyone else who falls into the clutches of the evil regime. There are six American hostages in Iranian hands right now, and there are thousands of Iranian hostages, many of them treated much worse than the three hikers, who are undergoing psychological torture, but not the ghastly physical ordeals that we know all too well.

They are entitled to be angry -- and of late, they've expressed some anger -- but they are not entitled to be perplexed, any more than the president is. Doesn't anyone understand what the Iranian regime is all about?

Apparently not.
the hikers are almost certainly anti American leftists and were probably captured by Iranians before they crossed the Iran border
Posted by: lord garth 2010-08-02