
Kim Jong-il Not 'Dear' to N.Koreans, Defector Says
Kim Jong-il is anything but a "dear leader" to North Koreans after decades of mismanagement, poverty and repression, a senior defector told the Chosun Ilbo on Friday.

"After years of despotism, there are very few people in North Korea who like Kim Jong-il. It's South Koreans, not North Koreans, who are the problem. If a lot of people in South Korea fail to grasp the truth about the sinking of the Cheonan and continue to support Kim Jong-il, our very future will be at risk, let alone any prospects of reunification," said Hwang Jang-yop (87), a former secretary of the North Korean Workers Party and the highest-ranking defector from the communist country.
The South Korean Left is one of the most successful sales forces in all history. No matter what the Norks do, the Left always, always blames someone else.
The last time Hwang spoke with the Chosun Ilbo was in April, right after the arrest of a North Korean hit squad sent to assassinate him. At the time he said he was "extremely disappointed" that 30 percent of young South Koreans do not believe North Korea sank the South Korean Navy corvette in March, causing the death of 46 sailors.

"Who other than Kim Jong-il would commit such a heinous act?" he demanded. "It is so obvious to me who was behind the attack, but there seems to be a lot of ignorant people in South Korea. People know so little about how savage and dirty Kim Jong-il is."

He said this willful blindness "is a more serious problem than the fact that North Koreans are oblivious of what is going on outside of their country." While it is not surprising that North Koreans have no idea of what is happening in the outside world, "South Koreans are refusing to believe the truth and that is very frustrating."

Hwang also spoke about the latest political developments in the North. "Some young lad named Kim Jong-un is apparently going to be the successor, but I believe this move will only hasten North Korea's ruin," he said. Another hereditary transfer of power for a third generation will be impossible, he believes. "The failing health of Kim Jong-il will erode the cult around him," Hwang said. "And when his absolute grip on power starts to weaken, ambitious people will emerge to challenge his authority and a generational power transfer would only trigger a power struggle and lead to the fall of the Kim dynasty."

He called on South Korea not be afraid of China stepping in when the North Korean regime undergoes sudden changes. Instead, as Kim Jong-il loses his power and North Korea embraces a Chinese-style market-opening strategy, South Korea could look for opportunities to achieve reunification.

Regarding propaganda leaflets sent to North Korea by activists in South Korea, Hwang said, "It is good to let North Koreans learn about what is going on in the outside world, but it's a bad idea to link such activities to retaliation after the sinking of the Cheonan," he said. "We must not stoop to the same level as Kim Jong-il."

Although a provocation by North Korea deserves an immediate response from the South, Hwang said Seoul does not necessarily have to get its own back if it misses the right timing for a reprisal. "If Kim Jong-il dares to attempt another provocation, the only thing South Korea needs to do is to demonstrate its strength, which can eliminate the North Korean regime," Hwang said. "Kim Jong-il is threatening to turn Seoul into a sea of fire. How can people who make such threats be considered fellow Koreans?"

Instead, the South should "shed light on Kim Jong-il's traitorous acts so that the people of North and South Korea can learn about them and change their views," Hwang said.
Posted by: Steve White 2010-08-03