
US Behind UN Flotilla Probe
U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today announced a new international panel to oversee investigations into the Gaza flotilla incident, a decision that came after heavy U.S. involvement and with the support of the Israeli government.

The four-member panel will be led by the former prime minister of New Zealand, Geoffrey Palmer, and the outgoing president of Colombia, Alvaro Uribe. Turkey and Israel will each appoint one member in the coming days, both expected to be high-level diplomats or judicial officials. t will meet on Aug. 10 and issue its first report in SepteImber. U.S. representative to the U.N. Susan Rice issued a statement Monday praising the panel and clearly defining its limits.
if this comes out well, give 2 cheers to the Obama Admin - of course it would be better if the UN sunk to the bottom of the ocean and Turkey would renounce Islamism but those aren't going to happen soon
Posted by: lord garth 2010-08-03