
Conservative American Ideology Explained
Watch this for a minute or two and see if you can pull away. :-)

For me, it started with a very simple explanation of leftist politics is. Now I feel like a doofus for not figuring this out this simple test by myself before.

And while you are at it, see if you can spot which part of the curve we are on as we spiral into some form of leftist government. Can anyone say Rome The Sequel? The striking similarities are detailed near the end of the video.

We need to stop this process now before it is too late.

Man your pitchforks!

Oh - and please feel free to post other good videos in the comments that may fill in my/our understanding of this topic better.

Now after that, check out this video of why direct democratic election of our president is probably a bad idea. The first video explains why leftists seem to like it so much. They just seem to gravitate towards any form of government to the left of where we are now. So the Founding Fathers chose to go with the indirect form of a democracy called the Electoral College. Now if we can just eliminate voter fraud, we may be able to get back to where we were years ago.

Posted by: gorb 2010-08-05