
Hat tip LGF
A Japanese Reader 4/8/2004 08:03PM PST

It seems like you guys aren’t aware that these 3 Japanese civilians are anti-war lefties, actively against Japanese troop deployment in Iraq. Members of a non-profit organization. They remind me of Rachel Correy. One of them is a journalist(by contract) from Weekly Asahi (Asahi is kinda like BBC...anti-Japan/America, Pro-north korea/china). Noriaki Imai, 18 year-old student activist, has his own group against war. Here’s his homepage in Japanese... if you read in translation, you will know that he and others had same interest as the terrorist who kidnapped them.

And here is the link of Nahoko Takato (the kidnapped woman) translation work - " letters from Iraq". Again in mostly in Japanese, but you can read English part of it.

Whatever their opinions are, kidnaping is kidnaping. Yet Japanese government is showing a strong attitude against those terrorists, which I think is great. That besides, public opinion in Japan seems to split in two. Anti-war/Anti-deployment people who want the troops to come back to Japan. The type of person who’d say, " if those 3 civilians get killed, it’s Koizumi’s fault!". There are also conspiracy theories all over Japanese-internet that these 3 individuals are complicit in their own kidnaping.

some point out this --Noriaki Imai posted in a thread, with the title "Big secreat Plan!" on April 7, 2004 09:57: " I have met the freelance journalist from Weekly Asahi today! After we chatted a while, he told me a big plan! It might be great. I think this will be a great achievement in history, and miss takato is also interested, so I think it’s worth doing" (translated by me).

The source I got this information does not provide the link to this thread, so it’s up to you to believe it or not.
Posted by: tipper 2004-04-12