
Hek sez he wants to be an Afghan Sadr
Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, an Afghan warlord named as a terrorist by the U.S., called on Afghans to fight the U.S.-led coalition in the country in a similar uprising to the insurgency in Iraq, the Associated Press said. ``Everyone believed that Afghans would be ahead of Iraqis in starting a popular uprising to evict the foreign occupiers,'' AP cited Hekmatyar as saying in a statement obtained by the news agency. Afghans, like Iraqi fighters, ``will choose the way of uprising against the occupiers.''
I don't think anyone's ever believed the Afghans to be ahead of Iraq in anything, let along uprisings.
The statement was delivered to AP by one of Hekmatyar's aides, who lives in visited Peshawar in Pakistan, which lies 30 kilometers from the Afghan border.
Posted by: Dan Darling 2004-04-12