
New fighting in Falluja as truce falters
Iraqi guerrillas and U.S. Marines fought in the city of Falluja overnight as an informal truce faltered, residents said on Monday. Beginning late Sunday, the sound of explosions and gunfire echoed from one area of Falluja, and U.S. helicopters were overhead. Iraqi fighters accused U.S. forces of breaking the truce. The U.S. military says its soldiers in Falluja are only fighting in self defense. The U.S. military has laid siege to Falluja for a week, blocking roads in and out and sending battalions into the city. Several Marines and hundreds of Iraqis have been killed. U.S. forces announced a unilateral suspension of hostilities on Friday and suggested a bilateral cease-fire on Saturday, but neither move halted the fighting. An informal truce was agreed on Sunday, which halted most fighting during the day.
Posted by: Phil B 2004-04-12