
Ceasefire Follies - USMC
CAMP FALLUJAH, Iraq –– Marines reinforced positions in here today, adding to the cordon encircling the city. Marines are also maintaining their defensive positions in accordance with a unilateral suspension of offensive operations. The Coalition directed that offensive operations in Fallujah be temporarily halted to facilitate dialogue between Iraqi leaders of Fallujah and a delegation from the Iraqi Governing Council.

The Marines operating in Fallujah received consistent enemy fire throughout the day. Immediate, precise fires were returned against enemy positions. Defensive engagements resulted in a significant number of enemy dead. Approximately 20 anti-Iraq forces were detained.

A Marine AH-1W Super Cobra helicopter also returned fire against two structures where anti-aircraft fire was originating in Fallujah. The aircrew launched rockets and missiles against the site, hitting their targets.

Iraqi Police and Iraqi Civil Defense Corps units also are supporting Operation Vigilant Resolve. Iraqi police near Ar Ramadi discovered two “daisy-chained” IEDs and reported them to Marines in the area. Both were detonated after the Iraqi police cordoned the site without any injuries.

Iraqi police near Hit in the western region of Al Anbar conducted a raid on a suspected terrorist’s house. They captured two suspects inside, one considered a high-value target involved in planning and executing attacks against Coalition Forces.
Posted by: Chuck Simmins 2004-04-12