
"Lost" Malaysian soldiers released by Thailand
Five Malaysian soldiers who were detained after crossing the border into neighbouring Thailand during a patrol have been released, Malaysian Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said Monday.
"I thank him (Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra) for his cooperation. They have been released," Abdullah told a news conference after holding talks with Thaksin on southern Thailand's security situation. The four sergeants and a corporal had strayed some 300 to 500 metres into Thai territory while on a routine mission to pick up supplies last Thursday.
4 sergeants and 1 corporal? A rather odd makeup for a patrol.
The five, reportedly clad in T-shirts and not wearing their military identification tags, were then picked up by the Thai military after local villagers sighted them.
T-shirts and no ID? Methinks somebody was up to no good.

Posted by: Steve 2004-04-12