
Thousands of Libyans Protest US Occupation of Iraq
Thousands of Libyans demonstrated in Tripoli yesterday against the US-led occupation of Iraq and voice their support for the residents of the Iraqi city of Fallujah, an AFP reporter witnessed. “Death to America, long live the people of Iraq,” the protesters shouted, carrying banners hailing “the resistance of the Iraqi people,” while a succession of speakers called on Iraqis to “unite against the invaders.” The demonstrators, who also carried photographs of Fallujah residents killed in clashes, burned a US flag outside the offices of the United Nations. Thousands also paraded in Benghazi, Libya’s second city, the report said. In mosques prayers were said for the dead, said to number more than 400 killed in six days of fighting between insurgents and US forces. Libya on Saturday proclaimed a day of mourning for the “martyrs of Fallujah”, state television put out its programs in black and white and newspapers carried black-bordered pages.
Feeling Arab, are they? Sure hope we don't stumble too badly in Iraq, or Muammar will forget which side his bread's buttered on...

Posted by: Fred 2004-04-12