
On being sued...
You've probably guessed, if you don't already know for sure, that I'm being sued by the Righthaven lawsuit mill. This is despite active steps I and the mods have taken to prevent anything emanating from the Las Vegas Review-Journal being posted here.

If you think Rantburg performs an important service to the blogosphere please kick in to the defense fund and have your friends kick in as well. I'm not a lawyer and I don't have an awful lot of money to spend on lawyers. What's in Paypal at the moment is enough for the next three or four months of hosting.

I always hate to ask for money. I don't run the Burg to make a profit. I especially hate to ask for contributions for such a stupid reason. But you can't ignore malevolence. If you do it'll eat you up, in this case to the tune of more thousands of dollars than I have.

I've bought the Bottomfeeder.org domain name to track news about Righthaven and as a contribution point. I'm going to put a banner pointing to it on the Burg as a reminder any time you have spare change. Any other bloggers needing a place can email me and I'll put up a similar page for them.
Posted by: Fred 2010-08-17