
Megrahi in 'good condition' for cancer patient, says report
[The Nation (Nairobi)] A Libyan official said convicted Lockerbie bomber Abdelbaset Ali al Megrahi was "in good condition" for a cancer patient but depressed by reports he should have died by now, an Arab daily reported on Saturday.
Wait til he finds out that we at Rantburg think he should have bought the needle years ago. Maybe he'll be so depressed he'll off himself ...
Megrahi was thought to have had only three months to live when Scotland's incompetent devolved government released him to Libya in exchange for an oil deal on compassionate grounds a year ago, in a move which has incensed victims' families and stirred pro forma US criticism.
Bambi didn't really object, he went through the motions ...
The senior official said Megrahi was "in good condition considering his situation as a cancer patient," the London-based Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper reported.

But Megrahi, who has secluded himself in a Tripoli villa and only emerges to undergo hospital treatment for his prostate cancer, is "experiencing a very hard mental condition," said the unnamed official.
Posted by: Fred 2010-08-22