
Military to Improve Terrorist Vigilance
The military will henceforth become more vigilant with the identification of terrorists and other dangerous individuals who may be working within the military community, as shared in a feature on the Navy Times. Methods through which such people may be identified are included in a 23-page report that was released on Friday by the Defense Department.

This is being done as part of the Pentagon's response to the shootings that occurred at Fort Hood, Texas, last year, which resulted in the death of 13 people; 43 people also suffered injuries due to the incident.

Mental health screening tests, according to the report, will be revised to include factors related to violence, such as "work, home, financial, legal and interpersonal stressors." Improved instructions will also be provided to commanders to assist them in differentiating "appropriate religious practices from those that might indicate a potential for violence or self-radicalization."

This is the first response issued by the military since the completion of an independent review of the Fort Hood incident that was commissioned by Defense Secretary Robert Gates. The review, which was completed in January, provided a series of recommendations.

Since the alleged perpetrator of the Fort Hood shootings, Army Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, served as a psychiatrist, one of the things that the military would like to do is to launch a new effort towards ensuring the mental health of those who provide mental health care. The report mentioned plans to hire additional health care providers, and close monitoring of their deployment lengths.

Posted by: tipper 2010-08-22