
New Tech-Tuned Rifle Becoming Spec-Op Favorite
An unconventional Belgian assault rifle is emerging as the favorite of U.S. special operations forces looking for more firepower to turn the tide in Afghanistan.

The Special Operations Forces Combat Assault Rifle - also known as SCAR - is intended redress the shortcomings of the M-4, an updated version of the M-16 which has been in service since the mid-1960s.

The U.S. military's workhorse rifle did well in Iraq, where much of the fighting was in urban settings. But its light rounds have underperformed in Afghanistan, where the Taliban tend to rely on deadly long-range fire.

An Army study found that the M-4s 5.56mm bullets don't retain enough velocity beyond 1,000 feet (300 meters) to kill an adversary. NATO commanders say U.S. firepower cannot always respond adequately to Taliban sharpshooters firing from 2,000 to 2,500 feet (600-800 meters).

The SCAR, manufactured by Belgian gunmaker FN Herstal, fulfills a specific special operations forces requirement for an easily modifiable rifle that to be used for both urban combat and for extended-distance shooting.

This called for a unique modular system accommodating not just the two main Western rifle calibers - the L-model for the light 5.56mm rounds and H-model for the heavier-hitting 7.62mm rounds - but also barrels of lengths in both calibers.

Many of the components can be interchanged between the two models. Both versions also allow soldiers to quickly replace their barrels to deal with a changing tactical situation.

Martin Fackler, a U.S. ballistics expert, said the SCAR-H round enjoys a clear advantage at long distances because the lighter 5.56mm bullets slow down significantly after about 400 meters (yards), sharply reducing their ability to inflict serious damage to the target.

"(In contrast) at 1,000 yards the 7.62 bullet is still traveling at over the speed of sound," Fackler said.

The U.S. Special Operations Command based in Tampa, Florida, first tested the SCAR in Afghanistan in 2009.

Last April, FN was awarded an initial contract for both versions of the SCAR and a separate grenade launcher. On Wednesday, FN announced that its U.S. plant in Colombia, South Carolina, has been authorized to start full-rate production.

Posted by: tipper 2010-08-22