
Syrian Minister: US Intervention is a "Big Plot"
A Syrian official here on Monday seriously condemned the United States "so-called Greater Middle East Plan" calling it "A hat trick in favor of Israel against the Palestinians, and Washington, against the Iraqi nation." The Syrian Information Minister Ahmad al-Hassan said that the US-sponsored Greater Middle East Plan, like all other imposed plans by outsiders, is aimed at deviating the world public opinion from the Arab-Israeli crisis, and hiding the dark pages of the occupation of Iraq.

Al-Hassan who was speaking at a conference titled "Surveying the Dimensions of the US Greater Middle East Plan" held at Muridan Hotel of Damascus told IRNA on the sideline of the conference, "Holding such gatherings provide good opportunities for revealing the realities behind the facade of such treacherous plots, and the cunning methods aimed at accusing the regional governments of imaginary plots, while distorting the realities of the region..." The conference is sponsored by the Arabian Center for Strategic Studies... Dr. George Jabbour, from the University of Damascus, another speaker at the conference, warned, "If the Arab and Islamic countries would not move in time and harmoniously to confront this US plan, it would gradually be materialized, at high costs for the region`s nations and governments."
Unfortunately, "Arab and Islamic" countries have effectively killed the redevelopment plan for Iraq - if not self-government by June 30 - by indulging the kidnapping campaigns against foreign aid workers. Even relative pacification of the al-Sadr terrorists, could not restore the confidence of civilian workers. Certainly, President Bush will have to address certain failure, at Tuesday’s press conference. Time for Plan B.
Almost all speakers at the conference spoke about the urgent need to clarify the dimensions of the secret and extremely perilous US plan titled The Greater Middle East, that will have extremely negative political, security, economic, social and cultural aftermaths for the Islamic and Arab nations.
"Negative"? Their governments are not delivering in any of the mentioned service categories.
Posted by: Man Bites Dog 2004-04-13