
Italian politicians recognize deliberate Qadaffi insult at treaty anniversary celebrations
The little colonel marked a friendship treaty between Libya and Italy by hiring a number of Italian models and attempting to convert them to Islam.
his Weirdness never fails to put on a good show. i'm sure the actresses were paid scale for this piece of theatre.
Italian politicians expressed their displeasure with this latest bit of rudeness, while the government stayed mum.
maybe they were gob-smacked. Frankly, i think they were struck dumb by the insanity of their special guest.
Later there was an riding ceremony, using horses from both countries, commemorating the two years since the signing of the treaty laying out Italian payments of US $5 billion compensation for thirty years of occupation.
a literal pony and trap show. Brought his own horses, riders and a big tent. He always brings his own tent.
Note: Swanimote, this was an AP article, so I summarized, leaving your in-lines intact. AP does not like it when their articles are reprinted, so we don't.

Posted by: Swanimote 2010-08-30