
Fallujah update from Debka
  • Fallujah: Notwithstanding reports of intermittent ceasefires, massed US armored units cut through town from end to end shelling targets while US air force dropped “noise bombs” that were harmless except for their shock impact. Swarms of snipers equipped with night vision instruments kept traffic off the streets while negotiations continued on surrender of Iraqi guerrillas and foreign fighters.

  • Najef: US troops massed outside Shiite town are held back as bargaining chip in talks ongoing with Shiite leaders headed by Ayatollah Sistani. Moderate militias control town having pushed Sadr’s Mehdi Army militia out of center and off streets. Most Arbain pilgrims have departed.
    Gone back to Iran?
  • Karbala and al Kufa: moderate militia leaders ask US troops to stay out and let them wind up negotiations with Moqtada Sadr.

  • Earlier, Shiite radical leader Sadr told Lebanese Hizballah al Manar TV he is ready to die to drive Americans out of Iraq. US authorities released top Sadr aide Sheikh Hajem al-Araji shortly after detaining him at news conference he was giving at Baghdad hotel.

  • France and Portugal tell citizens to leave Iraq immediately. Al Jazeera shows video of 4 Italian security workers held hostage against Italian withdrawal from Iraq. They join 3 Japanese hostages and one American civilian whose fate is unknown. Eight employees of Russian engineering firm released after Chinese. US official reports 40 hostages from 12 countries in insurgent hands

Posted by: Yosemite Sam 2004-04-13