
Imam Samudra sez he kills for virgins
Bali bombing mastermind Imam Samudra boasted he was a winner from his death row cell Wednesday and said he was looking forward to entering a virgin-filled paradise as a reward for killing Christians. "It's the key to paradise, everything will be very, very nice," he told Sydney radio station 2UE from his jail cell in remarks broadcast Wednesday.
"This mortal coil's gonna be worm food, but the real me's gonna be cavorting with 72 virgins! Nekkid!"
He believed paradise held the promise of 72 virgins for single men, but only 23 if a man had been married on earth, as he has. Samudra said "we kill to get peace," saying his message to the United States and Australia -- which lost 88 citizens in the Bali bombing -- was "I win."
"Now, you might not believe that, 'cuz I'm gonna be dead, and you're gonna be dancin' on my grave..."
He claimed widespread support in the Muslim world. "More than one billion Imam Samudras around the world who will attack Australia ... who will kill John Howard, Bush, Colin Powell, Tony Blair ... ready with their souls, their bombs, their guns," he said. An appeal by Samudra against his death sentence was rejected by Indonesia's High Court last year and his lawyers have said he will appeal to the Supreme Court because he believes he should have been tried under Islamic law.
Posted by: Dan Darling 2004-04-14