
"Members Only"
In an effort to keep copyright trolls from overrunning the Burg (and gobbling up all the money in sight) I've cut the display on archived material -- consisting of anything that's not the current day -- to only the headlines and comments if you're not a regular poster or an editor.

I hated to do this, because I know there are people and organizations that use the Burg as a research tool. That's what it's designed and built for, after all. But there are at least two copyright mining operations working now and no guarantee there won't be more in the future. Even if a suit is frivolous you still have to defend or you lose by default.

I've instituted the "Members" category to allow non-posting researchers and regular non-posters access to our content. Membership doesn't cost anything, there's no spam list, and there's no obligation. Submit a blank comment to set your cookie and all should be back to normal, but only for us.

Not them.

Posted by: Fred 2010-09-07