
Attacks Against Fallujah Great Injustice, Say Islamic Scholars
The Kingdom’s supreme religious ruling body, the Permanent Committee for Scientific Research and Ifta, strongly condemned the attacks against the Iraqi people by the occupation forces in Iraq and called for the suspension of military operations. It also wants those responsible for these attacks to be brought to justice.
I assume they're talking about the Merkins, not about the corpse mutilators?
In a statement issued yesterday, the committee, headed by Grand Mufti Sheikh Abdul Aziz Al-Asheikh, condemned the operations launched against the people of Iraq, especially in the city of Fallujah, “including killing and terrorizing of the innocent, destruction of property and the demolition of mosques with worshippers inside.”
Can't have it both ways, Mufti, Grand though you may be. If you pack a mosque full of bad guys, all of them enthusiatically shooting, expect somebody to shoot back...
“The committee considers these acts against Iraqi people as the most extreme kind of injustice and aggression. While strongly condemning these criminal acts that have crossed all limits, the committee calls on all fair and just people in the world, Muslims and non-Muslims alike, to condemn this ferocious assault and work to apply all means to stop it and punish those responsible,” the statement said.
He's gotta be talking about the corpse mutilators, right?
On Monday, the Saudi Cabinet expressed deep concern over the deteriorating situation in Iraq and the victimization of its people. The Cabinet, which met under Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Fahd, stressed the urgent need for restoring security and stability in Iraq, enabling the Iraqi people to regain sovereignty and embark on rebuilding their country. The government said this would only be possible through allowing the United Nations to play an active role in the stabilization so that Iraq could regain its place within the international community and the Arab and Muslim world.
Yeah. Sure. You betcha. That'll work.

Posted by: Fred 2004-04-14